Earth Day is around the corner!

Sustainable Futures

Earth Day April 22, 2024 What is earth day? Everyday is earth day.

Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22nd since 1970, marking a day dedicated to environmental protection and raising awareness about the importance of preserving our planet. Some say that everyday is earth day, and while this is true, the official day is 04/22/24. Save the date as it serves as a reminder of the collective responsibility we have to safeguard the Earth's resources for current and future generations. Earth Day activities vary from community clean-up efforts to global climate action initiatives, encouraging individuals and organizations worldwide to commit to sustainable practices and promote eco-friendly solutions. Through education and advocacy, Earth Day aims to promote awareness and support towards positive changes towards a more sustainable and healthier Earth. Your home can be one of the biggest and easiest ways for you to lessen your environmental impact. Energy Management Solutions offers the Free Home Energy Audit to educate NYS Homeowners on ways to create a healthier and more energy efficient home. The Department Of Energy estimates that roughly 43% of the homes utility usage goes towards heating and cooling. This means that one of the biggest ways to cut down on your usage is by implementing better practices in your home.

How to cut down my energy waste?

Earth with heart. Sustainable Westchester. How to take part in earth day?

The Home Energy Audit will reveal some facts about your home. Some people do not have programmable thermostats in their home and some just simply do not use them as intended. These thermostats are not meant to be confused with the Smart Thermostats that connect to your wi-fi. These simply allow you to set a timer to run or sleep while you are home or not. What this allows you to do is stop using energy when it is not needed. Coupling this with proper insulation and air sealing within your home will develop a complete and strong air and thermal barrier within your home. Overall, these systems will promote a more energy efficient home with a lower environmental impact. Our implementation services can be combined with offers from the State to lower your upfront costs.

How to take advantage?

This Earth Day, join us in our mission to promote sustainability through effective energy management solutions. Let's work together towards a brighter, more energy-efficient future for generations to come. Schedule your Free Home Energy Audit here, Learn more about the Energy Audit Process here. If you think you might qualify for low-moderate income state programs such as EMPOWER+, then click here. Or if you are looking for events, check your local sustainability groups such as Sustainable Westchester.


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